The Viking ships - An insight into the seafaring technology of the Vikings

The Viking ships - An insight into the seafaring technology of the Vikings

The Vikings were notorious for their seafaring and ability to rule the seas. An important part of their seafaring technology were the ships they used. In this blog post I would like to give an insight into the different types of Viking ships and explain their importance in Nordic seafaring.

One of the most well-known types of Viking ships is the longship. It was the most used ship by the Vikings, serving both to transport goods and for war. It had a long and narrow shape that allowed it to be fast and agile. It also had a towering bow and stern that allowed it to negotiate high waves and enabled warriors to ambush their enemies.

Another type of Viking ship was the Knarr ship. It was a larger ship used primarily to transport goods. It had a wider and flatter shape that allowed it to carry more cargo and sail the sea more smoothly. It also had a flat bow and stern that allowed it to sail safely in coastal waters.

Photo: Freepik


  • Eckl

    Bitte dein Deutsch überprüfen

  • Udo Urbach

    Die Wikinger waren vor Kolumbus in Amerika , eine Unwahrscheinliche Leistung zur damaligen Zeit

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